God uses water in the Bible to convey spiritual realities. When Jesus spoke of "rivers of living water," He was speaking metaphorically of the Holy Spirit. On the last day...
God gave His people thirst so that He could give them water then give them Himself. God is the bringer of both drought and rain. Then Moses made Israel set...
“It’s all gonna burn anyway.” This is true. In the days of Noah, water was God’s instrument to renew the earth. On the last day, fire will be God’s instrument...
Is God a conservationist? A long list of books have been written on the subject by people more intelligent and talented than myself. The existence of fabulous books on Biblical...
The Glory of God in the Three Phases of Water (No, this isn’t about Trinity metaphors) In Job 37, Elihu intends to counsel the suffering Job by pointing his attention...
“...what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” ~ Psalm 8:4 Welcome, once again, Sweetwater friends and family, to...
Psalm 19 is often divided into three sections: the revelation of God’s glory in Creation (1-6), the revelation of God’s grace in the Law (7-11), and the believer’s response to...
Hi friends! We are almost finished with our deep dives into Psalm 19:7-9 where we have discussed some different aspects of the law of the Lord and how the law...
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lam. 3:22-23) Greetings, friends! These words...