Sweetwater’s Executive Director, David Pendergrass, was interviewed on The Reformed Deacon podcast for the topic “thinking outside the box in mercy ministry.”

The episode is now available on most podcast platforms. You can also listen to it on The Reformed Deacon website. David was interviewed alongside Greg Harrison, a fellow deacon in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the founder, with his wife, of Hearts of Hope orphanage in Romania. David and Greg complemented one another well from an interview standpoint: similar in heart and creativity for the topic of thinking outside the box, yet different enough in personality, gifts, and professional experience to make a compelling episode.
The Reformed Deacon and The Ruling Elder are terrific long-form interview podcasts for Christians to understand the responsibilities of church officers more clearly, how they can participate alongside their officers in the ministry of their local church, and how to encourage officers in their labors. If you have any questions for David regarding mercy ministry from a diaconal perspective, he would be glad for the conversation. Drop him a line!