Sweetwater's Executive Director, David Pendergrass, was interviewed on The Reformed Deacon podcast for the topic “thinking outside the box in mercy ministry.” The episode is now available on most podcast...
Sweetwater is blessed with godly counselors on the Executive Team who deliver their unique God-given strengths, experiences, and informed opinions. Proverbs 11:14 & 15:22 Where there is no guidance, a people...
God uses water in the Bible to convey spiritual realities. When Jesus spoke of "rivers of living water," He was speaking metaphorically of the Holy Spirit. On the last day...
God gave His people thirst so that He could give them water then give them Himself. God is the bringer of both drought and rain. Then Moses made Israel set...
“It’s all gonna burn anyway.” This is true. In the days of Noah, water was God’s instrument to renew the earth. On the last day, fire will be God’s instrument...
Is God a conservationist? A long list of books have been written on the subject by people more intelligent and talented than myself. The existence of fabulous books on Biblical...
Churches often send teams to bring practical support to their missionaries, in the form of building construction, vehicle maintenance, installing plumbing, and so forth. These efforts unburden your field workers,...
Isaiah prophesied about God’s judgment and mercy towards Israel and Judah 740 – 680 years before the birth of Jesus, of whose ministry and atoning death Isaiah described with striking...
I have had the joy of working alongside brothers and sisters in dozens of ministries in the U.S. and overseas. God has shown me mercy by teaching me lessons about...