
Northern Uganda is home to countless women and girls who have been rescued out of child marriage and sex slavery. Many of these return to no home, no family, and no education. Without options, many feel compelled to prostitute themselves just to survive. These unique struggles are compounded by the same poor water resources and illnesses that burden their neighbors.

Sweetwater is working with Michael Oyet, a brother in Christ, entrepeneur, and philanthropist. He has spent over a decade establishing schools and training programs in Gulu District, creating opportunities for vulnerable citizens in agriculture and other gainful employment. In early 2023, Michael asked Sweetwater to assist in the development of a water training program. Click his letter (right) to read his personal appeal.

July 2024 Trip

Sweetwater will travel to Gulu in July 2024 to ascertain the resources that God has given the Acholi people to improve their access to potable water. The Uganda Team has already collected valuable photos and information about water sources in the area. Users of these watering holes report typhoid, stomach pain, and general illness that they associate with the water.

Public meetings in July are being organized by the Uganda Team to gather input from water users about their water needs and their water goals. Their comments will inform the education action plan that the AWSP leadership will develop with the assistance of Sweetwater.

Join the work … from home!
We are seeking donors, prayer warriors, scientists, and social media geniuses to facilitate our work in Uganda.
Where might the Lord be leading YOU to jump in?