To sign up for a guided float trip with David Pendergrass in 2022…
- Click the “Book your River Tour” button.
- Type in a donation of any amount $1,000 or greater. In the Note box, indicate that you want a guided float. Also indicate here your preferred method of communication.
- Fill in your name, address and phone number.
- Enter your payment method.
- Sweetwater will receive notice of the donation and David will contact you directly to discuss the location and approximate timing of the float.
Activities on the float include:
- Discussion of the natural history of the animals, plants, and general ecology of the river
- Hands-on, family-friendly demonstrations of scientific survey tools, including collection of bioindicators (animals that indicate the health of the stream)
- Storytelling: historical and legendary tales of the river
- Discussion of science and creation stewardship from a Christian perspective
- A time of worship and prayer with guests who share the Christian faith or who are not Christian but desire to observe how a scientist who loves Jesus responds to beauty in nature
- Other activities tailored to the donor’s interests
Donors are responsible for their transportation to the river and for their food, sunscreen, etc. Donors will also cover the rental fees of canoes, kayaks, or rafts according to their need. The donation covers David’s time and provides support for Sweetwater’s local and global projects. We are happy to negotiate a guided a float anywhere in the world and for multi-day floats! Extra charges would apply for transportation and reconnaissance of the river.