Kaley Hallmark

Board of Directors

M.S. Ecology – 2022 – Penn State University
B.A. Chemistry and Environmental Biology – 2019 – Covenant College

Some might call me an ‘outdoor enthusiast’, others an ‘adventure-seeker’ or, my personal favorite: ‘the bug and penguin person’! Whatever the title, I happily embrace that I prefer spending more time outdoors than in, and I whole-heartedly agree with the statement that “there is no bad weather, only bad clothing” (and I will happily remind you of this, should you forget this nugget of truth). I am up for any activity that I perceive to be adventurous or thrilling, and I am particularly fond of 0-, 6-, 8-, or 100-legged animals that make most people scream or squirm (or both). The most important aspect of Kaley Hallmark, however, is my identity as a Redeemed sinner and Child of God. My passion and love for experiencing and understanding the natural world stems from a love of its Creator. My ultimate desire is to make known the LORD of the Heavens, to whom and for whom and through whom all Creation worships, sings, and is held together (Psalm 19:1; Isaiah 55:12; Colossians 1:16-17).

Sweetwater first came across my radar in the spring of 2019, and I was immediately interested in their strategies for developing sustainable solutions to water insecurity while sharing the hope of the Gospel. I felt God’s call to pursue a partnership with Sweetwater as an intern, so I completed an 8-month internship in 2019-2020, after which I left to attend Penn State University for a Master’s degree. My time at Sweetwater enriched and stretched and grew me so much that I just couldn’t stay away! Near the end of 2022, I rejoined the Sweetwater team as a member of the Executive Team Prayer Board and then the Board of Directors in Feb. 2023. I believe in the vision and application of Sweetwater’s mission to serve orphans and widows by physically and spiritually alleviating their thirst and am excited to be part of God’s work in and through Sweetwater and look forward to serving alongside this wonderful group once again.

In my spare time, you can find me chasing my nephew, playing almost any sport that involves a ball, attempting DIY fixes on my car or house, or curling up with a good book.